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no, i am still not dead either, or is it neither......

I am a zany type gal myself. And yet I have not faked my death. Or mayhaps I am dead, I just haven't faced the fact.

But the real facts are real and still here: Heath is not coming on too strong, he's sometimes nowhere to be found and where is the missing link?

Friday, May 21, 2010

The News I am sure will please......

I am pleased as punch to report these new and exciting developments for you the Heath Fans and my followers:  May 13, 2010. Got an interesting email from a real interesting and creative person( her, blog, and name to be withheld for her privacy:

This person is a follower now and has an interest in my blogs.

She also feels that Heath is alive and somewhere, where we are just not sure of.

Man! The unique things she commented to me.

Here goes nothing!

1. the cast and crew f;ew( I take it that means Heath two,) on to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in the early hours of Monday, Janurary 21 st 2008. There are missing(him) hours from then til his media-reported alleged? death.

2. Actress and one-time girlfriend who had by then married someone else: Naomi Watts is reported as identifying his body. Why?

3. why was his body kept for 13 days before his alleged remains were allegedly cremeated? How regular is that?

4. His viewing/funeral had only 10-13 people attending. Not too many for an a-list actor so well liked and admired.

5. I will leave you pondering this last but very tasty tidbit: $23.Million of his lifeInsurance Policy is still unaccounted for. Where is it> Could ReliaStar still have it in their domain? Is he living under an assumed name with the 23million still unaccounted for? 

could be.

Calling Perth's Ledger, where are you? Report for duty asap.....

okay not really nothing, but still juicy, don't you think! I got lucky! Ha ha haha tee hee hee.....

Now all have a nice and tasty dinner while you are envisioning me and my new knowledge. hA!