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no, i am still not dead either, or is it neither......

I am a zany type gal myself. And yet I have not faked my death. Or mayhaps I am dead, I just haven't faced the fact.

But the real facts are real and still here: Heath is not coming on too strong, he's sometimes nowhere to be found and where is the missing link?

Monday, March 29, 2010

still alive?

Whose to say, other than hisself, his family, friends and supporters.

But one thing u can ascertainif he is still amongst the living, then he is the most perfect fraud, deciever, whatever you nay refer it to: not many famous persons could pull off such an outstamding feat without it being filmed by 48 hours, 20/20 and 60 minutes, if those t v shows are still in evidence.

And yet there is still no real evidence of whether his life was in danger.

Did he just want a better, more healthier-balanced life to be spent part-time with his daugter Matilda Rose?

Or were there issues worth him risking riducle and a complete turn-away by his fans to necissiate a death to uncover incriminating facts.

An uncle falsley accused? Doing a jail term for what he really didn't do.

So many questions: to ratio---(not the right answers.)

AND THE MSTERY IS maybe its not meant to be found out.

(At least not yet.)

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