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no, i am still not dead either, or is it neither......

I am a zany type gal myself. And yet I have not faked my death. Or mayhaps I am dead, I just haven't faced the fact.

But the real facts are real and still here: Heath is not coming on too strong, he's sometimes nowhere to be found and where is the missing link?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

seems to me if Heath really did fake his death, then things are now brewing over the horizon....H

Who is to say? I mean it paints a pretty fantastic and surreal picture, an a-list actor portraying a gay guy in movie Brokeback Mountain should have had better things to do than to fake his own death?

         A little after word of heath's death was all over: I got word from a certain source, that heath ledger is not dead ,not dead, not dead, etc. you get my drift.

The more I read of this blog the more it did make sense. strange everything surrounding his death: life insurance policy, people who gathered around his broome street apartment the day before? I have never heard of such a thing! Did he tell his neighbors things were afloating for tomorrow. to be on the look-out? Then later the creamation? what gives? In this world, who is to tell. I can tell u one thing: and I will pass this along. banksy, director, The Masses/we are the masses< Heath whom of course once owned that site.

You be the judge.

Monday, June 14, 2010

where oh where is heathybabe?

okay, the cameras are rolling. Everyone is on the set. The directors, nerves are about to fizzle and burn.

The props have been checked over a million and one times. The luncheon food is almost prepared.

The photobugs have just arrived and on time. I assume. But where is the leadning man: Heath Ledger?

Okay where I ask you could he be. June 14 2010. A work in progress. entitled "The Tree Of Life", Heath has been signed up to appear in that one. Or so say the Heath Ledger .net. or .org, whichever and then their is this clown of the killer sort on myspace.com and yet no one ever knows when his next appearance on it will be either. A lot of baffling and shocking reminders going back to Janurary 22, 2010.

Fade In: If , that is, Terry Malick, the director for the tree of life, is still in continuance of his movie project, another heath ledger vehicle, defaulted by Heath's untimely? passing over two years ago.

And these questions are still unanswered, still today, June 14 2010.

still no evidence of heath being alive.....

taking into consideration of their being no proof of his still being alive, and you ask of me, what proof could there be if he is alive but wants secrecy as to his whereabouts, try this Banksy, the director, of which Heath Ledger was shooting for the hopes of becoming a director. Still a force to be reckoned with.

I will be very honest, I have heard Heath has aspirations of being a director, and this banksy I spoke of is in a indie film and a real good one if you ask me about artisits taking not the easy way out to put out their artwork, casue in point: heath also an artist and a photographer.

Banksy, the director extrodineaire, a real mystery. more to come....and I know you will be looking forward to it.