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no, i am still not dead either, or is it neither......

I am a zany type gal myself. And yet I have not faked my death. Or mayhaps I am dead, I just haven't faced the fact.

But the real facts are real and still here: Heath is not coming on too strong, he's sometimes nowhere to be found and where is the missing link?

Friday, May 21, 2010

The News I am sure will please......

I am pleased as punch to report these new and exciting developments for you the Heath Fans and my followers:  May 13, 2010. Got an interesting email from a real interesting and creative person( her, blog, and name to be withheld for her privacy:

This person is a follower now and has an interest in my blogs.

She also feels that Heath is alive and somewhere, where we are just not sure of.

Man! The unique things she commented to me.

Here goes nothing!

1. the cast and crew f;ew( I take it that means Heath two,) on to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in the early hours of Monday, Janurary 21 st 2008. There are missing(him) hours from then til his media-reported alleged? death.

2. Actress and one-time girlfriend who had by then married someone else: Naomi Watts is reported as identifying his body. Why?

3. why was his body kept for 13 days before his alleged remains were allegedly cremeated? How regular is that?

4. His viewing/funeral had only 10-13 people attending. Not too many for an a-list actor so well liked and admired.

5. I will leave you pondering this last but very tasty tidbit: $23.Million of his lifeInsurance Policy is still unaccounted for. Where is it> Could ReliaStar still have it in their domain? Is he living under an assumed name with the 23million still unaccounted for? 

could be.

Calling Perth's Ledger, where are you? Report for duty asap.....

okay not really nothing, but still juicy, don't you think! I got lucky! Ha ha haha tee hee hee.....

Now all have a nice and tasty dinner while you are envisioning me and my new knowledge. hA!  

Saturday, May 8, 2010

being the meduim I am

being the meduim that I am I saw something was wrong in Heath's life a little bit before the report of his death came on the fox newstation I was going to settle down and watch after, The Idol show was slated to turn it over to the is it 10:00 pm or 11:00 pm hour of news.

    I was foolish because I thought I might be wrong.....

Should you always follow that instinct. for myself, it's hard to contact someone famous whom I don't know and alert them to the fact I think that they might die or be in danger....  

for the other person recieving that kind of news may just classify that as a death threat against his/her person. And I myself would'nt blame them.

No I kept it to myself except I did tell this one friend. he said he felt I could be right.

I later filed it away in the deep recesses of my mind and forgot about it.

evidence, could there have been strong against his uncle......

allright already, you are saying that Heath's uncle in all considerations of his being an alcholic, having fianicial problems and almost losing or of losing his business, but I ask of you this: why not go to his nephew Heath who would have been oh so willing to have lent him some cash or okay even granting this just given his loving uncle a hand-out.

People do make mistakes: but I still don't buy it at all. Nor did I even in the beginning.

If it were really true how multi-rich Heath Ledger had been or still is, then why would his uncle had to rob him by taking a fake life Insurance policy run the risk of going to jail for a mighty long time.....it just doesn't set well with me at all.

And then you say what about his ex-girlfriend Michele Williams, okay I don't know her either just I really don't know Heath Ledger or shall I coin it this way, I still don't know him, or do I?

And yet I ask you this: why would she? An actress in her own rights, making her Hollywood rounds of movieolas> why? I ask you why would she risk freedom to also do the same villianous thing against someone whom she once seemed to care for.

I can't say what truly went wrong for them as a couple but I also can't accuse her either when there is no backing evidence of her wrong-doing other than those alleged and numerous court battles against her light of love Heath Ledger.

I will allow you this. A few short months ago or less I emailed the FBI and asked them to see if they could reopen his case......word has not yet been stated whether they would or if it was deemed necessary, but just let me add when ever I would send a certain mystery person an email, the FBI would show either at the top of the bottom of the screen.

Very interesting, indeed.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

yes if he is alive.....

yes, if Heath is alive and living amongst us all, working the sidewalks, drinking and smoking in the same cafes and diners we frequent, then did he have something to hide from or to get away from.

I am very lucky here  to report to all of you as I know you will be glad: I have linked up with several of Heath's friends and will enjoy discussing with and meeting them for the first time.....

their emails are very funny and delightful just like moi( who? Delephine) thats who. okay now that we have uncovered some of that you all are asking when and where will you all meet.

It is now uncertain, I have a few more things to clear up and then I can be on my way to further investigations into the mystery of Heath Ledger and his alleged? death or is it faked death> I won't be satisified til I have spent up all the clues in relation of this baffling case.....

so to all you heathledger fans whom still care enough to read about him and hope he is still amongst the living,  I wish you well until next time I do the blogging. Good Luck!

I am getting started......

on having emails by friends and someone whom was costarred as well as did stand-in for Heath Ledger.

I am also going to try and set up meetings with these friends of his real soon, I hope, as the mystery continues its unravel...........