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no, i am still not dead either, or is it neither......

I am a zany type gal myself. And yet I have not faked my death. Or mayhaps I am dead, I just haven't faced the fact.

But the real facts are real and still here: Heath is not coming on too strong, he's sometimes nowhere to be found and where is the missing link?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

this is why he gone and done it......

this is new and hot off the blogsphere!

you know Heath L Dear, if you hadn't wanted to pay your childs support, you could've always hired someone to foul up the blood work, of which those clinics do so well now don't they? and said to your exgirlfriend, or is it exwife, "the child is not mine< please, bugger off of me for the time being, until you find a sugar daddy for you both>"

I mean, you didn't have to go to such an extreme; fake your death and then get caught.

case in point, no what you are doing when you fake your own death. ha! then fakedeathplotter should be a success until you deem it time to screw it all up, again.

Okay you also can only fake your death once, I repeat only once, all the hounds from hell will let loose....on the other hand I just would hire a hitman to do it, he'll do it the right way.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

ha ha. I just put postedbyheathledger on the spot!

this is new and hot off the blogsphere!

ah you will just love this one. And love me even the more for being so bold! I have just issued an invite to heathledger under his comments enabled under his postedbyheathledger that why doesn't he address himself to a cbs news program if he is truly alive and well.

hmm do you think he will or he won't? Who knows your guess is as good as mine.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

also new and juicy.....

this is new and hot off the blogsphere!

allow me to point out some new and highly dramatic facts: where Heath Ledger lived in NYC @421 Broome Street it is stated that he rented out from an unknown person and that someone other than he was seen living there, and going and coming.

Whom could this person be? This mystery person?

And why rent from an unknown source?

This new taller than tall tail was posted by Heath Ledger?!? whatup? on Wed, December 29, 2010@9:04 pm. Interesting before the new year and to issue out the old one!