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no, i am still not dead either, or is it neither......

I am a zany type gal myself. And yet I have not faked my death. Or mayhaps I am dead, I just haven't faced the fact.

But the real facts are real and still here: Heath is not coming on too strong, he's sometimes nowhere to be found and where is the missing link?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

it's your guess,

it's your guess as well as mine on what went on in heath's life before his alleged death and after. You can weigh the evidence and count the clues, the strangeness of it all___-it's be interenting to what your own theory will be

what did heath really want,

what do you think that he got out of faking his death? Notierity? Placed upon a pedestal of legendary status.
    was fame that hard for him to deal with. Or was someone murdered? And were they shot to save Heath oes Ledger's life. Was there a contract up on his life? Anything goes when you take over a million out on your life.     Insurance never pays. Did someone take  that life insurance with under his name when he didn't sign the policy. And yet how can that be. Don't you need a notary public and other proof for Insurances.but if that wasn't heath then whose body was carried out on the guerny?  Great questions. Leaves you thinking, but bewildered......

strange video views on youtube,

Have any of you out there checked out those youtube videos of something? being carried out on a gurney. It sure dosen't look much like anyone. too small. way too small to have been Heath.

Heath standing at 6 1 and slender lanky frame would've looked much different in the body bag? I also thought they carried him out with a blanket covering him? or it? from head-to-toe.

Oh man sick. Was it really he, or just some prop? I wonder how much was paid for the emt's to look the other way.........

ath standing at 6 1 and slender, lanky frame would've looked much different under the body bag.he

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

i am sorry so sorry,

In one of my most recent postings I made mention of the wrong website. It is not for graves.com or graves.com. it is instead : find a grave.com. Bye the way it only shows markers on the ground, no cemetary gates no nothing to point that this is where he or someone is buried>

but then if you go thru it to seek resting place? cemeytary, it states instead______sorry no matches could be found.

very strange. Indeed.

mystery goes on and on and on,

no matter what, the pieces have yet to be pieced together to make a whole. There are not enough pieces to make even a half.

Questions are not being answered. Mary Kate you-know-who knows something but is keeping her word.

And another thing goes. Why would there be a headstone or grave marker, if heath really died and really was cremeated.

Headstones don't belong nor does grave marker. check out: find a grave.com it's free for awhile at least. At least long enough. to do some sluething. You'll be amazed at what you will uncover>

if you faked your death, wouldn't you?

keep it a secret. Like not blurt it all over the internet!?! Of course you may say well maybe someone else is doing all that stuff. A dead person can't. And why with him being an a-lister of the hollywood scene, why would he do such a thing, and what would he get out of it?

The question still is Was their good reason, of a life and death kind to fake his death? And why has actor and pal Colin Farrell disappeared all of a sudden with no word whatsoever.

Maybe he knows way too much......

either heath or someone posing as him last loggen into myspace.....

way after his reported death on Janurary 22, 2008 from a a mixture of prescribed pills for numerous ills? Yea right? Then who is on myspace.com and showing pictures of Heath Ledger.

Last log-in date:    12/18/2009. Whow and away we go! What gives and when does he put out more and more and more in store, if that is he doing that team member of heathledgerisnotdeadblogspot.com

I remember going back some ways last year: maybe around the middle or end of winter and I did some investigating on I think it was: The New Yorker, or The New York Post, and after going into the obit archives I came across a notice up above his alleged date of death: Janu 22, but I could swear for a brief second the number was Jan 1, 2008.

and as I was upstairs at the time, a little later, I rushed down to print it downstairs and lo and behold it did not show up!

I am speechless at these goings-on.

Now also do some of you remember in certain magazines it stated his date of death as being in Feb something?

Now it's your guess as much as it is mine. One person.=only one date of death? Hmmm, you wonder......

and if is not him on myspace.com and facebook, etc, then who could and would be posing as him?

Wouldn't it be silly for someone else to do such a thing and then get caught. And perhaps go to prison for what posing as  dead celebrity.

I believe I've hear it all and then some!

check out on heathledger.net and click onto the gallery section, then you can link up to myspace.com in nano nano seconds and check some things out. Oh and if you'd like you can register. It's free. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


igoogle, do you igoogledo you Heath Ledger aka Perth_Ledger do the google two?

Everyone should do the google do so do!

I am about to close this session at least for this evening,

goodnight and god speed until the  next time, as i well know you will click that mouser and open up into this new cyber world of Is Heath Ledger alive and well and lving in your town?  Parting may be such sweet bittery bliss, but there are still more yet to come, more clues to hunt down, more sluetheing to be up to and all kinds of other mischief as well.

so night night cuddle in tight and say au revoir until the dawn's pearleasence steals over the horizon, will we weep no more for there is still hope left for you and for me.

How illegal is it to fake your death......

that is a real great question, don't you think? Can someone be put into prison for doing such a stunt?

         Unless if the said person whom faked his death, but didn't commit any crimes or wasnt wanted by the FBI or the IRS, would someone who did such a thing, at some point in time, come back into the scene AND I may be so mean as to ask would he be arrested and if so on what legal grounds would he be arrested.

or anyone else for the matter as well, is faking your own death illegal if you commited no crime?

Did Heath Ledger report his volkswagon being missing before he died?

you know it would be amazing to question the authorities of NYC Police department as to if Heath Ledger's vehicle had been reported stolen as of the newspapers reportings of that a little before he died, or alleged died, so to speak, if that vehicle of his was reported by him, what time of day it was reported, and the date of the stolen volkswagon.

        Could it have been used as his get-away car, rolling him out one late night with a lookalike to replace him the next day as was planned beforehand?

      There was also a report of that he had a lot of money missing? but was it in cash? Like greenbacks, sort. Did he report that also to the local authroities?

Then there is the downplay of that people , a lot of them had gathered at his Broome Street Loft Apartment outside his apratment house, the day before.

What thinks you they were knowledgeable of something amiss and waited to see it played out to it's end.

Then there is the YouTube vids of a phony Heath Ledger being carried out on a gurney> Hmmm, it gets stranger, it was stranger than strange.

What would have prompted Heath to have to fake his death, if not for a publicity stunt?

Only those who plotted it along with him, the mastermind of it all, above it all would know.    

Monday, January 25, 2010

heath still missing in action........

what we do know and are aware of is this: something is truly cooking, what we don't know as of yet and when we do we may not believe it when we hear or see it but just the same, I feel this is a turn-around and some new issues are going to added to the heathledgerisnotdeadblogspot-----heathledgerisdead,he'sgone,he'sanexjoker, let heath rest in peace.

       hmmmp, let Heath rest in peace. Only if he is at rest. Case in point; if it is true that he was creamated or statements to the fact, then his body cannot be exhumed to prove his death.

      None of us will rest in peace until we get to the bottom of this..........

Heath,honey where are you?

okay children and everyone else, well now that I've got that off my chest, here it goes. If you like moi here has been following the heathledgerisnotdeadblogspot.com/ you will realize a lot of twists and quirks in his mysterious death or alleged death.

      1. Such as his volkswagon was stolen a little bit before his death.

      2. There was an article in The IndependentUK of an writer who posted on how to fake your own death and get away with it and the not-to-dos of if you want to be successful in this kind of plot.

    3. He made mention of dying and that he was ready, why did he have aids or some disease of which he kept us all in the dark?

  4. He had played two villians: one in Brokeback Mountain and a worser villian in The Dark Knight.

 5. Was a great publicity stunt to be talked about still into two years of his death?

 6. On this past Saturday, after a break from the numerous postings, the heathledgerisnotdead of which turned into heathledgeris dead, he's gone an exjoker, shows videos of Heath L with music.

What we all know is what is Heath thinking and what is he up to with these mind-boggingly attempts at publicity.

Has his volkswagon shown up at all or will it with any leads.

Quite so the hush hush by the NYC police department reeks of silly zaniness of the likes we have never known.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

as of yet, Heath has not come clean,

Oh of course though Heath Ledger has of yet to show his face on national TV to prove he's alive and well. And that heathledgerisnotdeadblogspot is now inactive, we are all on tenterhooks as to when and where all of this will lead.

       I will also state here again I do appreciate any and all comments on or about the state of affairs of Heath Ledger.

       if anyone has any info please feel free to post any or all comments on the Heath Ledger blogspot. 

Heath still alive? Oh well.......

I also found it real fishy because his costars whom were signed on to help complete the film for distribition had so very few moments unlike Heath-----Another Heath Ledger movie; vehicle intended to promote and cast him as the lead but I will tell you that this movie is real good.

     You would also think that if he truly died, wouldn't they have just scrapped the movie with grief over his passing.

Heath Ledger: alive or dead?

Janurary 16 2010. Two years almost since his death and Heath is still going strong. At least up on the silver screen. I was bound and determined to see his last movie The Imaginaruim of Dr Parnassus, directed and produced by his friend Terry Gilliam. And yet wasn't the The Dark Knight supposed to be his last film.

            Allow me to clue you in: first off Heath Ledger was in a heck of a lot of scenes, many more it seemed to me than the likelihoods of him not being able to complete that movie. The other actors seemed to have less time on screen but blended in well just the same.